Let's make a Jill Sandwich

giovedì, settembre 13, 2012

[Thane Krios Commission]

Last week end, i've finally started the artwork requested me for a long time by one of my most dear friends, Sam aka ~Sallysammy, a traditional artist, with a passion for cinema and comics, who draw a lot of handsome and original fan arts. ( personally, i love so much her style )

Whoa, i must tell you, thane was so hard to draw, i won't be able to found a pose that really inspired me, so at the end i chose the "simple" one.

As usual, i really hope you enjoy this and leave a lot of comments!

Improvements will be added here every week!


Wanna more info about this pic? It is an original render made by me using Troodon80's Model of Thane for details reference. In-game screens are still used and helpfull.