Let's make a Jill Sandwich

sabato, settembre 08, 2012

[New Caska portait]

Anyone remember that scene when gatsu, come back to Godo's house, is looking back at the the old times with hawks, his friends, his love previously the esclipse? If you don't, read the infos under the image.

Well, berserk is a very hard manga to read, so cruel and full of mixed feelings, that's why i - and a lot of people - love it.
I don't wanna write yet to my hate/love relationship with berserk, but just for sayin', the latest chapters left me very disappointed.
Anyway ive finally finished the 2nd portait of Caska, my last of berserk for a long time, hope you enjoy it!

oh snap now im cryin', sigh

Gatsu Memories | Caska Portait by ~motherzombie on deviantART
Wanna more info about this pic? It is a remaking portait based on this panel.